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Keeping Hydrated

Keeping Hydrated

It is estimated that 60 percent of your body weight is water. Staying hydrated is the key to so many aspects of health. Most people take water for granted. We don’t usually think about staying hydrated until those warmer months and we are sweating buckets....

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Why is cleansing so important or do you really need to cleanse at all? Let’s take a look at the body. The body is sort of like a car. You take in fuel, burn it and get energy and exhaust. If this exhaust isn’t vented from your car it will begin to run poorly and...

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Purchasing Supplement Guide

Purchasing Supplement Guide

When you purchase a drug, you generally know exactly what you are getting. Drugs are single chemicals that can be measured and quantified down to their molecular structure. Thus a tablet of extra-strength Tylenol® contains 500 mg of acetaminophen, no matter where or...

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It is estimated that 60 percent of your body weight is water. Staying hydrated is the key to so many aspects of health. Most people take water for granted. We don’t usually think about staying hydrated until those warmer months and we are sweating buckets....

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4 Steps to Building a Healthy You – Part 1

4 Steps to Building a Healthy You – Part 1

Step 1- Using the right combination of dietary supplements The big question is "What is the right combination of supplements?" Most people I speak with take supplements based on what they hear from their friends, commercials or read about. When we hear about something...

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Indigestion during the Holidays

Indigestion during the Holidays

All that special holiday food often causes even the healthiest eaters to overindulge causing heartburn, reflux, indigestion and bloating. Perhaps you are eating too much protein, or combining the wrong foods. Your solutions could be as simple as a few natural...

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Liver Gallbaldder Flush

Liver Gallbaldder Flush

Suggested at least twice each year for prevention. For liver congestion, gallstones, llactic acid build-up (anxiety), eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain or use for general health improvement. Ingredients you will need: 1/2 Cup Olive Oil Extra Virgin...

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Probiotics – Friendly Bacteria

Probiotics – Friendly Bacteria

Probiotics are the beneficial or good bacteria for the body. These bacteria (as well as others) are normal inhabitants of the large and small intestines. Probiotic bacteria inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and...

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When it comes to fiber there are two types available; soluble and insoluble. Both are required for optimal health. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can be found in many fruits, vegetables and grains. It helps reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and feed the...

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Sports Supplements

Sports Supplements

Whether you are a weekend warrior or a world class athlete, your needs for additional supplementation is critical and perhaps life saving. Yes, life saving! The purpose of this feature article is to help you understand what supplements you can use to enhance your...

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This article is not going to directly address the disease Diabetes, but some of the recommendations would definitely apply to those with high blood sugar issues. It is estimated that about 40+ million Americans have blood sugar control issues. My belief, as with most...

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Do you blush a lot? Does your face redden easily? You could be one of over 14 million Americans with Rosacea. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown. One thing we know for sure is the condition consists of flushing, which turns into red coloration from the dilation of...

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Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea: Not a healthy glow. Do you blush a lot? Does your face redden easily? You could be one of over 14 million Americans with Rosacea. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown. One thing we know for sure is the condition consists of flushing, which turns into...

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Dental Health

Dental Health

Dental Tips The following are quick tips for how to handle most oral care situations, such as Canker Sores, Gum Disease and more. Canker Sores If you have ever had one you know you never want to get one again. This condition can be extremely painful when an ulcer...

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Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season

With the beginning of the holiday season comes the beginning of Cold and Flu season.  What’s a person to do?  Believe it or not, this isn’t rocket science.  The Four Pillars of Great Health (as I like to call them) play a huge role in your immune health regardless of...

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Immune suport

Immune suport

It is that time of the year again. Cold and Flu season is upon us. While many Americans are scrambling to get their flu shots, others like me are looking to natural medicine to carry them thru the winter months. We are constantly exposed to the hype of getting our flu...

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Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It covers the internal organs and protects them from injury. It also acts as  barrier by keeping bacteria out of the body and by preventing the loss of too much water and other bodily fluids. The skin regulates body...

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Cancer General

Cancer General

If someone’s immune system is functioning properly he or she is unlikely to get cancer. We all produce abnormal “cancer” cells each day.  Free radical damage, environmental influences, stress, and harmful lifestyle choices, all conspire in the formation of abnormal...

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Sciatic and other Lower Back Problems

Recently on a flight back from California I met a flight attendant who was suffering for years with lower back problems (Sciatica). Her request for help reminded me of the hundreds of people who have used my input to rid themselves of this painful condition. To modern...

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Asthma is a growing epidemic even though it isn’t contagious. Asthma affects 12-15 million Americans, including approximately 10%-12% of children under age 18. Asthma occurs at any age even though it seems to occur more often in people under the age of 40. There are...

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E.L.I.S.A- Food sensitivity testing and more

E.L.I.S.A- Food sensitivity testing and more

I am constantly speaking of “allergies and sensitivities” being linked to many major health challenges. Conditions such as eczema, depression, ADD, ADHD, IBS, Arthritis, Diarrhea, Migraine, Respiratory problems and more all have a link back to this subject.  The usual...

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According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America website (, “an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from all types of allergies (1 in 6 Americans) including indoor/outdoor, food & drug, latex, insect, skin and eye allergies. (Allergy...

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