Better Living, Naturally
Cognitive Health at Work, Play, Sports, e-Gaming and More
What is Cognitive Health/Function? What do you think of when you see the words “cognitive health”? Most of us think about our parents or grandparents and how they forget things or aren’t quite as sharp as they used to be. Let me be the first to tell you that...
Mental Wellness – Balancing Stress, Sleep and Cognitive Health
We often hear about mental illness, but not mental wellness. Is the concept of mental wellness new to you? Consider this; mental wellness is about how all aspects of your life, i.e., social, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and how they collectively...
Finish the Year Strong
Normally I do a long post on specific health challenges and my natural approaches, but today I want to encourage you to finish this year strong and carry it over into the new year. Check out my blog post on Goals and how to set/achieve them. Why wait until the...
COVID-19 vs. Common Flu Herbal Pharmacist Perspective
Since the "outbreak" of COVID-19, I have been dumbfounded by how much fear is being pushed down our throats by the media and governments. If you take a look at the “REAL NUMBERS” of both worldwide Flu and COVID-19, you can see that the Flu is much worse...
Black Cumin Seed: An Ancient Seed with Powerful Immune Support
Black cumin seed oil, a.k.a black seed oil (N. sativa or NS) and thymoquinone have been thoroughly studied for decades. With the heightened interest in ingredients that support immune health, taking a look at the extensive research done with regards to...
Foundational Supplement Program with Whole Food AstaPure® Arava
One of the most pressing questions consumers have is, “What supplements do I need to take daily?” The answer should be simple, start with a strong foundation. Just as if you were building a home, you would first pour a strong foundation in which to build...
Sarcopenia: The New Osteoporosis
Your Muscle Will Tell You More About Your Health Than Just Strength Before you blow by this article keep this in mind, muscle health or should I say lack of muscle health is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, the overall health of your...
Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals
My concepts are Foundational and Fundamental ideas on achieving your Goals. Whether or not your goal is directly related to your health or not doesn’t really matter. The information I share will help you with whatever your goals may be. To reach your goal, you must...
Holiday eating: Let your food be your medicine.
Thanksgiving launches us into a feeding frenzy each year. During the weeks following Thanksgiving and all the way through New Years we will eat just about anything put in front of us. We will treat our plates just as a painter does their canvas: Fill it all in with...
Total Body Makeover-Cleansing
Want to look good? Sometimes you need to start your work from the inside. Cleansing and detoxification systems are the best way to start your total body makeover. As long as the focus of our year is building a strong health foundation, the topic of cleansing is...
Antibiotic Use and Probiotics
Even with public awareness campaigns by the WHO (World Health Organization) and other authorities, the over-prescribing of antibiotics continues. We can’t blame patients for this necessarily because we are at the mercy of our health care providers to determine the...
Probiotics Linked to Improved Skin Health
Are you showing more skin these days? Don’t take that the wrong way-with Spring here and summer on the way, it is an important time of the year to focus on your skin. It seems like now more than ever our appearance matters most. Since the skin is the largest organ...
David Foreman A.k.a The Herbal Pharmacist
…shifted from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist because he realized the vital role natural medicine plays in all health outcomes. David’s focus is to use all forms of media to educate on the benefits of herbs, vitamins, healthy lifestyle choices, and the role they play in health. His 4-Pillars of Health have helped thousands achieve the health they seek.
4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease
Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer of Americans and shouldn’t be. The key to addressing any health challenge is to understand what the root cause is. Learn why you may have Heart Disease and what you can do to prevent it from the root! 4 Pillars of Health: Heart disease shows you 4 simple areas and steps to focus on to rid your body of cardiovascular challenges. Hypertension, Cholesterol, Stroke, and more are covered in detail. Learn natural and GOD-given solutions to your heart health concerns. Following these 4 simple steps will not only improve your cardiovascular health but your overall health and vitality. Not only will your Cardiovascular System be healthier, but you will have more energy, lose weight, lower your blood sugar and your Doctor will be amazed! Before it’s too late-YOU need this Book