Better Living, Naturally
Diverticulitis Solutions
I have been putting off writing about this topic for years. I think it is not that “sexy” of a topic nor do I think that most people want to discuss it (or read about it). BUT, out of the abundance of questions from friends and acquaintances I decided that now is the...
Does your body need a tune-up?
Time for a Tune Up Recently while waiting for the oil in our car to be changed, I came to the conclusion that I needed to write an article on scheduling regular Body Tune Ups. If you follow your automobile’s owner’s manual, you will see scheduled times or miles to...
Arthritis: It isn’t just an “old-person” disease
Take a minute before you read my blog to watch this movie clip with Ben Stiller where he is told he has arthritis by a doctor and sort of freaks out (because he doesn't think he's old enough). [video width="1280" height="720"...
Infant Help: Colic relief
Recently I have been receiving several questions about the use of supplements in infants. Colic is one of those issues that leave a person feeling helpless. If you have ever been around a child with colic it is almost as unpleasant for you as it is the screaming...
Resistant Starch: Adding more to your diet could save your life.
If you have been following my blog, television and radio segments you would know that I am not a big fan of starchy foods. Especially rice, pasta, bread, potato and processed/boxed foods. These foods have contributed to our increases in obesity, diabetes, cancer,...
Sunburns-Treat them inside and out
I think by now we all know about how to avoid sunburn. Regretfully, it still happens. Last week I was at the Airport in New York and saw a couple that looked like they belonged at a Lobster Boil. I have even been burned (so to speak) recently by failing to pack...
Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Due to a constant increase in people with diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome, I felt it would be a good idea for a quick refresher course on what supplements can be used to help with blood sugar and insulin resistance issues. Be cognizant that supplements...
Hydration Tips: Not just because you’re thirsty
Water- Perhaps the most critical nutrient! It is estimated that 60 percent of your body weight is water. Staying hydrated is the key to so many aspects of health. Most people take water for granted. We don’t usually think about staying hydrated until those warmer...
Top 5 Killing Diseases in America
According to the CDC website, over the past 75 years the top 3 killing diseases have not changed. Heart disease, cancer and stroke lead the way and according to a recent information found on their site, the top 5 diseases that are killing Americans are: Heart Disease...
Antioxidants-Free radicals eliminators
So no doubt you have probably heard of antioxidants by now, but why do we take them? The answer is simple; we are constantly being bombarded by “Free Radicals”. We only ever hear about taking antioxidants because they are good for you and never hear or understand what...
Which Diet is best for you?
When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of diet plans. Check any magazine rack, and you're bound to see the latest and greatest diet plans. The question is this though, how do you know if a diet plan fits your needs and lifestyle? Before you begin, ask...
Want a healthy child: Use more fats
The role of fats and children’s health is nothing less than critical. Too often when we hear the word fat or fats our brain tells us to run screaming the other direction. In the case of our discussion on building a strong foundational supplement program for your...
David Foreman A.k.a The Herbal Pharmacist
…shifted from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist because he realized the vital role natural medicine plays in all health outcomes. David’s focus is to use all forms of media to educate on the benefits of herbs, vitamins, healthy lifestyle choices, and the role they play in health. His 4-Pillars of Health have helped thousands achieve the health they seek.
4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease
Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer of Americans and shouldn’t be. The key to addressing any health challenge is to understand what the root cause is. Learn why you may have Heart Disease and what you can do to prevent it from the root! 4 Pillars of Health: Heart disease shows you 4 simple areas and steps to focus on to rid your body of cardiovascular challenges. Hypertension, Cholesterol, Stroke, and more are covered in detail. Learn natural and GOD-given solutions to your heart health concerns. Following these 4 simple steps will not only improve your cardiovascular health but your overall health and vitality. Not only will your Cardiovascular System be healthier, but you will have more energy, lose weight, lower your blood sugar and your Doctor will be amazed! Before it’s too late-YOU need this Book