Better Living, Naturally
Stress: Its Negative Impact on Digestive Health
How Does Stress Impact the Digestive System? First and foremost, it is essential to understand that the brain and your digestive system (gut) are in constant communication. There are more nerves in your gut than in the entire spinal cord.[i] When your body is...
Revisiting PEA
If you haven't heard of PEA previously, please take note of this blog. PEA is automatically produced by your body when key areas (cells and tissues) are damaged (an injury) or threatened to become damaged by stress. The production of PEA is highest in response to...
Start the New Year Running: Condider Key Supplements to Get off to a Great Start
Are you on the wheel of New Year’s Resolutions? Does this sound like you: you start one in January and never finish the goal, so you start over again the next January? Why wait until the new year to start. As we look forward to the new year, you may be on the long...
Men’s Health
Regarding “Men’s Health,” two areas are at the top of the list: genitourinary (reproductive organs and urinary system) and cardiovascular health. The genitourinary system receives a lot of press with the abundance of commercial advertisements around prostate health...
Technological Advancements to Improve Your Supplements: Bioavailability
Necessity is the mother of invention (innovation), a commonly used proverb when someone comes up with a way to do things better or hasn't been done previously. This proverb is not limited to ultra-technical fields and is now quite the driving force for innovation in...
Total Body Recovery
When we think about body recovery, the first thing that comes to mind can be different for each of us. For me, I think about recovering from a workout. Others may think about recovery from a medical condition. This blog will focus on two areas of body recovery:...
Sage Advice for Menopause
Menopause is the natural decline of female reproductive hormone production and the conclusion of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It usually begins sometime in the 40s or 50s. Common menopause symptoms include hot flashes, brain fog, vaginal dryness, chills, night sweats,...
Foundational Digestive Help (Health)
When builders build a home, they usually start with a solid foundation and then work up from there. The same is true concerning taking care of your body and overall health. For example, since digestion plays a significant role in your overall health, starting with a...
Let Food Be Your Medicine: Botanicals ROCK!
Hippocrates was credited with saying, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He was an important figure in the history of medicine because he was among the earliest to assert that natural processes caused diseases. The idea of what we eat and drink...
Underlying reasons you may struggle with your weight
One of the more popular questions I receive is, "What can I do to lose weight?". Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who claim to eat right and exercise and still struggle with their weight. As a 58-year-old male, I have noticed the same thing. I eat an...
Back to School or Work Help
Regardless of age, going back to school season is a great time to make sure you have a few of the essential health areas covered. We need to focus on four areas: Immune Health, Stress, Sleep, and Memory/Focus. This blog will dive into what supplements can be...
Technology & Supplements: Advancements and Improvements
Coming from a traditional pharmacy background, I have always been intrigued by the technology that went into creating medications. What has been great to see are the technological advancements in natural medicines too. This blog will cover just a few of the “cool”...
David Foreman A.k.a The Herbal Pharmacist
…shifted from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist because he realized the vital role natural medicine plays in all health outcomes. David’s focus is to use all forms of media to educate on the benefits of herbs, vitamins, healthy lifestyle choices, and the role they play in health. His 4-Pillars of Health have helped thousands achieve the health they seek.
4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease
Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer of Americans and shouldn’t be. The key to addressing any health challenge is to understand what the root cause is. Learn why you may have Heart Disease and what you can do to prevent it from the root! 4 Pillars of Health: Heart disease shows you 4 simple areas and steps to focus on to rid your body of cardiovascular challenges. Hypertension, Cholesterol, Stroke, and more are covered in detail. Learn natural and GOD-given solutions to your heart health concerns. Following these 4 simple steps will not only improve your cardiovascular health but your overall health and vitality. Not only will your Cardiovascular System be healthier, but you will have more energy, lose weight, lower your blood sugar and your Doctor will be amazed! Before it’s too late-YOU need this Book