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Better Living, Naturally

Hair Loss Goals: Grow More and Keep What You Have

Hair Loss Goals: Grow More and Keep What You Have

The title of this blog may sound silly, but the reality is that this is precisely what you need if you are struggling with hair loss or thinning hair.  There are many different thoughts on how to approach hair loss, some of which can be downright crazy.  A recent...

Healthy Brain = Healthy Body

Healthy Brain = Healthy Body

What do you think of when you see the words "Healthy Brain"?  Most of us think about our parents or grandparents and how they forget things or aren't quite as sharp as they used to be. However, this is only part of the equation for a healthy brain and its...

Is Lack of Sleep Making You Sick?

Is Lack of Sleep Making You Sick?

Poor sleep is a common issue for many.  Look at the numbers: Adults who were short sleepers (less than 7 hours per 24-hour period) were more likely to report ten chronic health conditions compared to those who got enough sleep (7 or more hours per 24-hour period)...

e-Sports Supplement Guide

e-Sports Supplement Guide

Attention all e-gamers, you need to take a hard look at adding supplements to your daily routine.  The demands of e-gaming can negatively impact your health and performance while playing.  This blog will cover several areas e-gamers should consider supplementing their...

It’s Never a Bad Time to Focus on Your Immune System

It’s Never a Bad Time to Focus on Your Immune System

Challenging times for immune health stimulated the reason for writing this article.  While recent events have prompted most of us to take our immune health more seriously, there are others who face immune challenges on a daily and lifetime basis.  While understanding...

A Twist on Plant Based Diets

A Twist on Plant Based Diets

Over the past decade, we have seen a migration to a “new” diet.  As if we didn’t have enough “diets” to choose from, i.e., paleo, vegan, vegetarian, Atkins, etc., plant-based can be a bit confusing to most.  This blog will take a closer look at what a “plant-based...

David Foreman A.k.a The Herbal Pharmacist

…shifted from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist because he realized the vital role natural medicine plays in all health outcomes. David’s focus is to use all forms of media to educate on the benefits of herbs, vitamins, healthy lifestyle choices, and the role they play in health.  His 4-Pillars of Health have helped thousands achieve the health they seek.

4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease

4 Pillars of Health: Heart diseaseHeart Disease is the Number 1 killer of Americans and shouldn’t be. The key to addressing any health challenge is to understand what the root cause is. Learn why you may have Heart Disease and what you can do to prevent it from the root! 4 Pillars of Health: Heart disease shows you 4 simple areas and steps to focus on to rid your body of cardiovascular challenges. Hypertension, Cholesterol, Stroke, and more are covered in detail. Learn natural and GOD-given solutions to your heart health concerns. Following these 4 simple steps will not only improve your cardiovascular health but your overall health and vitality. Not only will your Cardiovascular System be healthier, but you will have more energy, lose weight, lower your blood sugar and your Doctor will be amazed! Before it’s too late-YOU need this Book