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Sage Advice for Menopause

Sage Advice for Menopause

Menopause is the natural decline of female reproductive hormone production and the conclusion of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It usually begins sometime in the 40s or 50s. Common menopause symptoms include hot flashes, brain fog, vaginal dryness, chills, night sweats,...

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Let Food Be Your Medicine: Botanicals ROCK!

Let Food Be Your Medicine: Botanicals ROCK!

Hippocrates was credited with saying, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He was an important figure in the history of medicine because he was among the earliest to assert that natural processes caused diseases.   The idea of what we eat and drink...

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Back to School or Work Help

Back to School or Work Help

Regardless of age, going back to school season is a great time to make sure you have a few of the essential health areas covered. We need to focus on four areas:  Immune Health, Stress, Sleep, and Memory/Focus. This blog will dive into what supplements can be...

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Beets:  Are They the Next Superfood?

Beets: Are They the Next Superfood?

They have been a superfood for multiple reasons and are becoming popular for the benefits beetroot provides to health.  To understand why beetroot should be considered a superfood, we need to take a look at what the definition of a superfood is: according to...

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Ancient Botanicals with Modern Applications

Ancient Botanicals with Modern Applications

Hippocrates was credited for the saying “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. He was an important figure in the history of medicine because he was among the earliest to assert that diseases were caused by natural processes.   Currently, the idea of what...

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Sarcopenia: The New Osteoporosis

Sarcopenia: The New Osteoporosis

Your Muscle Will Tell You More About Your Health Than Just Strength Before you blow by this article keep this in mind, muscle health or should I say lack of muscle health is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, the overall health of your...

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Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals

My concepts are Foundational and Fundamental ideas on achieving your Goals. Whether or not your goal is directly related to your health or not doesn’t really matter. The information I share will help you with whatever your goals may be. To reach your goal, you must...

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Clean Slate i.e. Cleansing

Clean Slate i.e. Cleansing

Want to look and feel good? Sometimes you need to start your work from the inside. Cleansing and detoxification systems are the best way to start your total body makeover. Since your year should be focused around building a strong health foundation (core health), the...

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Does your body need a tune-up?

Does your body need a tune-up?

Time for a Tune Up Recently while waiting for the oil in our car to be changed, I came to the conclusion that I needed to write an article on scheduling regular Body Tune Ups. If you follow your automobile’s owner’s manual, you will see scheduled times or miles to...

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Resistant Starch: Adding more to your diet could save your life.

Resistant Starch: Adding more to your diet could save your life.

If you have been following my blog, television and radio segments you would know that I am not a big fan of starchy foods. Especially rice, pasta, bread, potato and processed/boxed foods. These foods have contributed to our increases in obesity, diabetes, cancer,...

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The Power of Vitamin D

The Power of Vitamin D

In the past several years I have spent numerous hours researching Vitamin D and the truth behind the correct amounts to take and more. Why? There seems to be a ton of confusion revolving around Vitamin D. What form do I take? How much should I take? Can’t I get enough...

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Are You Getting Enough K2? I doubt it

Are You Getting Enough K2? I doubt it

VITAMIN K As parents, we realize in the delivery room how important Vitamin K is right out of the gate. One of the first shots your child will ever get is a shot of Vitamin K. Why? Babies are born with a Vitamin K deficiency. This deficiency makes newborns more...

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Are supplements regulated by the Government

Are supplements regulated by the Government

Is the natural product industry regulated? This is a very common question and misunderstood area of natural medicine. For me as a pharmacist and health expert, it is imperative the products (supplements, foods, etc.) that I suggest effective, but that they also are...

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Simple steps to Guarantee Succeeding with your Resolutions

Simple steps to Guarantee Succeeding with your Resolutions

My concepts are Foundational and Fundamental ideas on achieving your Goals. Whether or not your goal is directly related to your health or not doesn’t really matter. The information I share will help you in whatever your goals may be. To reach your goal, you must...

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How to build your own supplement program

How to build your own supplement program

Regardless of your current state of health - "healthy as a horse" or "one foot in the grave" - my four part program will have a significant impact on how you feel. Most of you who have been a loyal reader of this newsletter, attendee of my seminars, or listener of my...

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Age Related Cognitive Decline

Age Related Cognitive Decline

Is your memory going bad because you have too many trains on the track or because you are in the beginning stages of Age-related Cognitive Decline (ARCD)? We all expect to lose a bit of our memory as we age. I remember my Grandmother suffering from Alzheimer’s disease...

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Seasonal Depression-SAD

Seasonal Depression-SAD

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that begins in autumn or early winter and generally lasts from 5-7 months until spring. The early loss of sunlight in the winter appears to induce chemical changes in the brain that bring on depression. When...

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Age Related Cognitive Decline – ARCD

Age Related Cognitive Decline – ARCD

While working in my pharmacy I had a regular customer who came in monthly to purchase her memory pills (lecithin). She would walk in and say “Dave, I need my memory pills” and reach down and pick up a bottle and walk to the register. One day several months later, she...

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Energy Solutions

Energy Solutions

This article isn’t about the price of gasoline but the fact that millions of Americans are running out of physical and emotional energy. I am not referring directly to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in this article, but the growing number of people who suffer from being...

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In 1980, Doctor Hiroyuki Sumi was in the middle of searching for a natural agent that had thrombolytic effects (able to break up blood clots). The enzyme he was looking for would be able to dissolve the clots associated with heart attacks and stroke. After testing...

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Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking

With Lung Cancer awareness month upon us, I thought it would be most appropriate to help those of you who are still smoking quit. I often get asked why I don’t tell people to stop smoking. The answer is very simple; everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. Heck,...

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Free Radical Damage

Free Radical Damage

You have probably heard of antioxidants by now, but why do we take them? The answer is simple; we are constantly being bombarded by “Free Radicals”. We only ever hear about taking antioxidants because they are good for you and never hear or understand what they are...

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Back to School Tips

Back to School Tips

Back to school is here. Where did the summer go? With back to school come many health issues that can be approached very simply with my 4 Pillars of great health. The biggest issues facing moms and dads at this time of year are keeping the kids healthy and the issue...

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