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As the world of e-gaming and e-sports continues to grow, many gamers play late into the night, immersed in virtual worlds and high-stakes competition. While the thrill of gaming is exciting, it often leaves players wired and struggling to fall asleep after hours of intense focus. If you’re one of those gamers, here’s a guide on how to unwind, relax, and achieve a restful night’s sleep—so you can be sharp for your next gaming session.

The Challenge of Late-Night Gaming and Sleep

E-gaming engages the mind and body in ways that make sleeping difficult. The combination of prolonged screen exposure, adrenaline from competition, and high levels of cognitive engagement can leave the brain buzzing, even after you’ve logged off. The blue light from screens disrupts melatonin production, a hormone critical for regulating your sleep-wake cycle, which can delay your ability to fall asleep.

So, how can you wind down effectively after an intense night of gaming?

Steps to Relax and Prepare for Sleep

Create a Post-Gaming Ritual

Develop a consistent routine to signal your brain that it’s time to rest. This could include reading a book, taking a warm shower, or practicing mindfulness meditation. Establishing a routine helps train your body to recognize when it’s time to wind down, regardless of how late you’ve been gaming.

Limit Blue Light Exposure

To counter the harmful effects of blue light, consider wearing blue-light-blocking glasses during late-night gaming. Additionally, apps that adjust your screen’s color temperature can help reduce eye strain and ease the transition to bedtime.

Unwind with Calming Supplements

Certain supplements can naturally support relaxation and improve sleep quality. Let’s look at some key ingredients that may be beneficial after a long night of e-gaming.

Holy Basil (as Holixer® from Natural Remedies)—A recent study found that 8 weeks of supplementation with Holixer may reduce objective and subjective measures of stress and improve subjective measures of sleep quality.

Magnesium—Magnesium plays a critical role in many bodily functions, including sleep regulation. It helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system responsible for relaxation. binds to GABA receptors, promoting relaxation and aiding in the transition from wakefulness to sleep.

PEA (as Levagen®+ from Gencor Pacific)— A study with Levagen®+ showed improved sleep latency, the number of awakenings, and the time to feel awake.  Throw in the fact that it also helps with pain (a contributing factor for poor sleep), and it is no wonder this is a good sleep option.

Saffron (as affron® from Pharmactive Biotech)—A recent study with affron® showed that a small dose of 28mg 1 hour before sleep helped improve many aspects of sleep, including falling asleep quicker, staying asleep, improving sleep quality, and not feeling groggy in the morning.

Valerian—Valerian is known to increase stages 3 and 4 of the sleep cycle while decreasing stage 1 (the time to fall asleep).  This means valerian will help one to fall asleep faster and stay in the final two stages of sleep longer.

Final Thoughts

Quality sleep is essential for optimal performance in e-gaming. Studies have shown that sleep improves cognitive function, reaction times, and memory retention—crucial skills for gamers. Without proper rest, you may be slower to react, more prone to mistakes, and less able to make strategic decisions during gameplay.

Gaming into the night doesn’t have to leave you tossing and turning for hours afterward. By incorporating a few simple relaxation techniques and supplements into your routine, you can ensure that your body and mind are prepared to wind down, paving the way for deep, restful sleep. Whether it’s calming your nerves with affron®, promoting relaxation with Holixer, or addressing any underlying discomfort from long gaming periods, these natural solutions can help you recover and set you up for success the next day.